During the newborn period , your baby might be sleepy & hard to wake 在出生的首几天,宝宝可能会很想睡觉,并很难被唤醒。
Our experience showed that although uncommon , intussusception should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intestinal obstruction during the newborn period 此篇论文目的在强调新生儿肠套叠需列入新生儿肠阻塞之?诊断,同时回肠息肉可为新生儿肠套叠之导因。
As neonatal intussusception is rare , especially in the premature infant , and clinically can be mis - diagnosed as necrotizing enterocolitis , sonography can be very helpful in the differential diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in the newborn period 由于早?儿肠套叠非常光见且临床上与坏死性肠炎非常相似,常被延误诊断,特提出病例报告,并讨论之。
It will also lead to a change of our traditional management strategy for total colonic aganglionosis from a multiple - stage approach to a one - stage total correction during the newborn period . total colonic aganglionosis is a congenital condition in which the whole length of the large bowel lacks normal nerve cells and normal peristaltic motility , thereby resulting in fatal bowel obstruction in the newborn period 全结肠神经节细胞缺乏症(全结肠型巨结肠)是一种先天性的疾病,由于患儿的全部肠缺乏正常的神经节细胞和正常的蠕动功能,从而导致出生时就出现肠梗阻和顽固性便秘。